Thursday, 20 December 2012

Assalamualaikum semua!!!! bertemu lagi kita untuk chapter 2:Identfying Competitive Advantage.eee xsabar2 ana nk smbung kita punya pembelajaran lepas..hehe ye2 je..sebernanya xsbau nk berceloteh pnjg...hahaha.. okee..kali ni ana nk bercerita tntg competitive advantage means a product or service that an organization's customers place a greater value on than similar offerings from a competitor..

The Five Forces Model

Definition of 'Buying Power'

The money an investor has available to buy securities. In a margin account, the buying power is the total cash held in the brokerage account plus maximum margin available.

Also referred to as "excess equity'

For example, if you have $1,000 cash in a margin account and the maximum margin rate is 50%, then your total buying power is $2,000. For a non-margin account, the buying power is equal to the amount of cash in the account.


Buyer power is a recurrent issue in competition 
investigations. Depending on the context, it can be 
seen in either a positive or a negative light. In the 
former category, it is often argued (sometimes not 
very convincingly) that customers could use buyer 
power to resist attempts by a merged firm to increase 
prices. This memo focuses on the latter category, 
which involves the possibility that the superior 
purchasing power of large firms can distort market 
outcomes. Worries over excessive buyer power are 
closely linked to increasing concentration in a number 
of retail markets across Europe. There has been a 
concern that large retailers can act as ‘gatekeepers’ to 
scarce shelf space, allowing small suppliers only 
limited leverage in negotiations.

The degree of control that the provider of a good or service exerts over a buyer. In a business context, supplier power is typically wielded by a supplier when they increase costs, reduce quality or restrict the availability of their desirable products in an effort to enhance their bargaining position.

okee...klo bercakap tentang competitive advantages,kita blh ambik cntoh sperti pizza hut vs       
Domino n apple vs samsung..klo kita blh lht skrg ni ramai customer lbih prefer kpada pizza hut because as we all know, pizza hut have many types of menu..means variety laa than domino...seperti apple dan samsung,yg mndapt customer request adlh apple krana application,design, sangt menakjubkan...

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