Sunday, 20 January 2013

CHAPTER 5: Organizational Structures that support strategic Initiatives

Ethnics and security are two fundamental buildings blocks that organizations must base their businesses upon.Information technology is a relatively new functional area, having only been around 40 years.

1) Chief Information Office(CIO)
     *overseas all uses of IT and ensures the strategic allignment of IT with business goals and objectives.

2)Chief Technology Officer(CTO)
     *Responsible for ensuring the throughput,speed, accuracy,availability and reliability of IT

3)Chief Security Officer (CSO)
     *Responsible for ensuring the security of IT systems

4) Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)
     *Responsible for ensuring the ethical and legal use of information

5) Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
     *Responsible for collecting, maintaining and distributing the organizations knowledge.

Another new things that i learn in chapter 5 is what the gap between business personnel and IT personnel which is business personnel is a process expertise in functional areas such as marketing, accounting and sales.IT personnel is a have the technology expertise.The solution is improving communications and business personnel must seek to improve their understanding IT.

chapter 4 : measuring the success of strategic initiatives 
key performance indicator (KPI) is a measure that are tied to business drivers,metrics are detailed measures that feed KPIs and performance metrics fall into the nebulous area of business intelligence that is neither technology nor business centered but requires input from both IT and business professionals. 

EFFICIENCY : "doing the things right"
EFFECTIVENESS : "doing the right things"
Bechmarking is a process of  continuously measuring system results.Comparing those result to optimal system performance & identifying steps and procedures to improve system performance.

 6 common types of efficiency IT metrics:

  5-Web traffic
  6-Response time